Blending strength and versatility for the next generation.
kelteks Woven Roving hybrid fabrics combine multiple types of structural fibers for superior performance in impact resistance.

They integrate fibers like Carbon and Glass into single-layer constructions, optimizing strength and minimizing weight. Woven hybrids excel in applications that require the combined properties of different fibers, ensuring both rigidity and impact resistance for advanced composite materials.

Product Features

  • High tensile strength
  • Excellent resin flow
  • High tensile strength in the weft or warp direction
  • Low thermal expansion
  • Corrosion resistance
  • Good impact behaviour


Reference project

Product Applications

  • Sports & leisure
  • Shipbuilding
  • Panel manufacturing
  • Swimming pools
  • Tanks and pipes
  • Manufacturing of ski and snowboards
  • Windmills reinforcement
  • Car and motorbike parts



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