Strongest Link In Your Composite
Carbon fiber fabrics have high tensile strength, high stiffness (modulus), low weight, electrical conductivity, and resistance to high temperatures.

Carbon fabrics are in high demand in today’s composite industry and in combination with resin, often epoxy can be applied in a wide range of products where low weight is required combined with high strength and stiffness.

Product Features

  • Corrosion resistance
  • Lightweight
  • Ultra-strong
  • Static discharge (ESD)
  • Excellent alkali resistance
  • Low elongation at break
  • Low thermal expansion


Reference project

Product Applications

  • Sports & leisure
  • Shipbuilding
  • Panel manufacturing
  • Swimming pools
  • Tanks and pipes
  • Manufacturing of ski and snowboards
  • Windmills reinforcement
  • Car and motorbike parts
  • Racing cars
  • Aircraft
  • Speed boats
  • Light industrial applications



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