Unidirectional carbon fibers in the component exactly where it is required
Unidirectional (UD) fabric is one in which main, long, structural fibers are oriented in one direction, held in place by secondary non-structural stitching threads.

Structural orientation can be in 0 or 90”. Unidirectional fabrics offer the ability to place fibers in the component exactly where required and in the optimum quantity.

Product Features

  • Improved permeability
  • Higher fatigue resistance
  • Less resin consumption
  • Better mechanical properties
  • Improved component build speed
  • Better drappability
  • Higher delamination resistance and impact strength


Name Material Weight (g/m) Fabric density (Warp/Weft) TDS
UNIDIRECTIONAL carbon 300 Carbon 300 37/10
UNIDIRECTIONAL carbon 600 Carbon 600 37/10

Reference project

Product Applications

  • Renewable energy
  • Marine industry
  • Shipbuilding
  • Sport and leisure
  • Automotive
  • Aerospace



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