Minimal concrete layer.
Strengthening of structures.
CARBOrefit® stands for a sustainable and resource-saving strengthening solution that simultaneously secures the existing structure and increases its load-bearing capacity and durability. CARBOrefit® can be used efficiently, economically and in a variety of ways. The German technical approval / general construction technique permit Z-31.10-182 (click on number to download German approval) provides planners a solution that makes a special contribution to resource-saving design in the construction industry.
The CARBOrefit®-method counters the throwaway mentality in the construction industry, as preserving, further developing, converting and reutilising the existing building stock is seen as a key lever for climate-friendly construction. CARBOrefit® was honoured with the DNGB* Audience Award 2023 as part of the sustainable change “Preservation instead of demolition”.
* Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen - DGNB e.V. (German Sustainable Building Council)
Product Features
The composite material carbon concrete consists of the two high-performance materials - concrete and a reinforcement made of carbon, such as the solidian GRID carbon grid reinforcement.
We have produced special types of solidian GRID based on carbon fibres and a acrylate dispersion especially for the CARBOrefit® method. In accordance with technical approval Z-31.10-182 these are categorised in the group of carbon reinfocement grids “CARBOrefit® Type 3 standard version” or “CARBOrefit® Type 3 special version”.
In addition to the corrosion resistance of the material, the high characteristic tensile strength, the flexibility and the flat structure of the grid, the super-light weight and the easy machinability compared to reinforcement steel mats should be mentioned.
This results in many advantages, e.g. the ease with which the comparatively thin strengthening layer can be applied to existing components, which facilitates work on the construction site (including overhead work) and transport.
The high flexibility of the carbon grids also makes it easy to reinforce highly curved building surfaces. Due to the high performance of the carbon grid, one layer of carbon concrete (~ 10 mm total strengthening thickness) is usually sufficient to significantly increase the load-bearing capacity of the existing component.
The extreme durability and the long service life of over 100 years of solidian GRID carbon fibre reinforcement grid contribute to a strengthening method that is gentle on the structure and filigree, which is also economically superior to today’s conventional strengthening measures.
All advantages at a glance:
- corrosion-free material, therefore very durable and long-lasting
- several times higher tensile strength compared to reinforcement steel
- flexible and much lighter than steel, therefore very easy to handle and design curved surfaces
- sustainable material, as the consumption of water, aggregates and cement is significantly reduced by reducing the strengthening layer compared to conventional methods, thus reducing the consumption of raw materials
- significant reduction of the strengthening thickness, thus optimal solution for existing buildings (compliance with clear heights, etc.)
- additional high-alkaline mortar layer increases the concrete cover and protects steel reinforcement of existing buildings
- better fire protection compared to carbon fiber sheets due to an additional mortar layer
- the carbon grids can be activated very effectively due to their placement close to the concrete surface
Further information can be found on the CARBOrefit® website: www.carborefit.de/english/
reinforcements for the future generations
Product Applications
CARBOrefit® is a kit for strengthening reinforced concrete components with carbon concrete. A layer of CARBOrefit®-fine-grained concrete is applied to the concrete surface of the reinforced concrete components to be reinforced using a hand lay-up or spraying process. The carbon grid reinforcement, e.g. the solidian GRID , is worked into this and another layer of fine concrete is applied by hand lay-up or spraying. This newly applied layer of fine concrete can serve as a final layer or as a carrier layer for a further layer of carbon grid. A maximum of 4 layers of carbon grid reinforcement may be used in this way.
The scope of use and application according to the approval extends to uniaxial bending reinforcements (warp or longitudinal direction of the carbon grids) on the surfaces prepared for the strengthening in the tensile zone of reinforced concrete components with predominantly static loads.
For further information we refer to the CARBOrefit® flyer which you can download here.
The solidian GRID carbon grid reinforcement can be used within the CARBOrefit® method for the following applications, among others:
- Strengthening – increasing the load-bearing capacity of the existing component
- Refurbishment – restoring the durability of the existing component
- Repair – restoring the original load-bearing capacity of the existing component
Fields of application include:
- Listed buildings and components
- Bridge construction
- Hydraulic structures
- Structural and civil engineering
All relevant documents (planner folder, information material, publications, etc.) have been compiled for the application of the CARBOrefit® method. The current version of all documents is available in the download area at www.carborefit.de or click here (most in German language only).
Do you want to design strengthening reinforcements with carbon concrete?
The design of CARBOrefit® projects is easily possible with software support using FRILO “B2 Reinforced Concrete Design”. Further information can be found here (only in German language available).
Tender documents for the CARBOrefit® process (sample texts) and for our solidian GRID as CARBOrefit® carbon grid reinforcement can be found at www.ausschreiben.de (only in German language).