Pre-impregnated anchor for easy repair of different structural elements
Non-corrosive Carbon, Basalt, or AR-Glass connector with Single or Double Open End suitable for construction reinforcement in masonry, arches, and vaults. Providing structural strengthening.

Near-surface mounted helping repair the concrete wall using the epoxy injection. Perfect for reinforcement of buildings in seismic-affected areas providing earthquake-proof construction!

Product Features

  • Construction reinforcement in masonry, arches, and vaults
  • Reinforcement of buildings in earthquake-affected areas
  • Extremely rigid and strong
  • Non-corrosive and high strength shear resistance
  • Alkali resistant Carbon, Basalt, or AR-Glass fibers
  • Different diameters and lengths for every dimension of the wall
  • Fast & easy installation
  • Alkali resistant epoxy for lime or cement-based mortars
  • Compatible with any hydraulic or chemical matrix used for grouting

Reference project

Product Applications

  • Construction reinforcement in masonry, arches, and vaults
  • Seismic-affected area
  • Earthquake-proof constructions
  • Suitable for interventions on buildings of historical and cultural heritage


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